Inspiration is everywhere.

Month September 2015

The lovely transformation of flour, eggs, butter and sugar at 180°C

This is a journey far into my childhood – marble cake was the first I ever baked, with the help of my mum at first, but soon all on my own. I was nine or ten probably at that time…. Continue Reading →

Boys, you need good legs for this

Dear pseudo bavarian men who swarm Munich at times of Oktoberfest, I have to raise a plea. Yes, of course you can wear Lederhosen. Of course, of course. But consider this: You need good legs for this, you really do…. Continue Reading →

Squaring the circle is possible. (a.k.a. My pi-day)

I found a funny website recently, which “proves” that each number representing a date appears in the digits of pi ( Today’s date, for example, can be found at pi digit 218.893 according to the website’s algorithm.

Poor little summer…!

Stepping out the gym this morning, reality hit me like a hooligan in a bad mood with a club. Summer is gone! Poor little summer, I mourn to have lost you. R.I.P.

Kentucky, Kentucky!! (D.I.Y.)

Kentucky, I’m on my way! 

The schizophrenia of catching dreams (D.I.Y.)

Catching dreams… This concept has a romantic and a brutal side to it.

The color of alien blood

You might know jello or jelly – also called ambrosia as I learned today. This is childhood paradise.

Manolos 2.0 (a.k.a. Guggenheim of the mountains)

Those are the high heels I can accept. All other types… no way. Those are the Manolos of my choice.

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