Inspiration is everywhere.

Month November 2015

Smiles against terrorism (7/7)

Islam means peace. (Malala Yousafzai)

Smiles against terrorism (6/7)

You cannot find peace by avoiding life. (Virginia Woolf)

Smiles against terrorism (5/7)

Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. (Francis of Assisi)

Smiles against terrorism (4/7)

You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist. (Indira Gandhi)

Smiles against terrorism (3/7)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

Smiles against terrorism (2/7)

An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Smiles against terrorism (1/7)

Winning needs a heart and a brain. Those who kill and destroy have neither, nor.

November ist grey? Nope, not true.

Who said November is grey? They are just not right. I found a new addition of “street art” on one of Frankfurt’s bridges across river Main. And – you see – no grey around, nowhere.

She called me… grandpa…

I went for a long run today. An hour plus along the river, with some little sun and lot’s of wind, at the right temperature and the right attitude. Very nice. Demanding (as I’m not really in shape right now),… Continue Reading →

World’s favorite places: Reichstag, Berlin

Not that you think you need to go far to reach a world’s favorite place. Not at all. You can also go to Berlin and visit the dome of the Reichstag building, the parliament’s home.

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