Inspiration is everywhere.

Month June 2016

Wild cherries compensate a lot

Oh dear, after my Project M. I took a little break from running, and I also took a little break from eating – my spring fasting. Both led to my shape plummeting – I feel as if I had never ran… Continue Reading →

Garden post, bonus.

The last post was about my consultant garden and how it grows like green hell right now. Today, we have lots and lots of rain, since hours.

Oh, look at this! My garden is bursting with life, basically.

I am the worst gardener, ever. When I was in my teens, yes, I was the queen of potted plants, and my room was a green jungle. But nowadays, especially since I’ve worked as a consultant, the skill totally left… Continue Reading →

Hey, who are you?

This furry lady came to me because she won my heart and never lost it again.

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