RBKV7769I confess – I chained Alaska’s fauna. I brought this charm bracelet from a trip to America’s far north. It is half-DIY as I bought the bracelet, the clasp and the animal charms from a pick-and-choose jewelry and combined it as I felt appropriate after having hunted for three weeks.Don’t worry, I didn’t hunt for meat or fur or something to take from the creatures – just for sightings and pictures. Especially I remember the 4th of July of that year when we flew to a salmon river to observe some grizzly and black bear who waited for the fish. It was a couple of days early, just some of the fish had arrived but not yet started to climb the river, so it was a very funny sight to see the (mostly young) teddies trying to grab them from the water. No chance, of course.


I googled today to figure out the meaning of the animals I have on my bracelet:

Alaska’s fauna on a chain

Halibut: Life protector, strengths and stability
Bear: Strength, learned humility, motherhood, teaching
Raven: Creation, knowledge, bringer of the light
Moose: Pride, life, strength
Salmon: Dependability, renewal, a provider
Seal: Bright, inquisitive, organized

(explanations from www.totemwisdom.com (moose) and www.mantaka.org (all others))

If that is all coming true, I’ll be blessed.

