MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAI went for a long run today. An hour plus along the river, with some little sun and lot’s of wind, at the right temperature and the right attitude. Very nice. Demanding (as I’m not really in shape right now), but still relaxing (as I’m sitting on my butt far too much during the week and am thankful for each opportunity to move and run and be active).

When I was nearly finished, turning into my street, very close to home, a liitle girl looked out the window. She beamed at me, waved her hand, and then she said: “Opa!” (“Grandpa!”)

I looked around, but there was no old man to be seen – me being the only person around. Ant then it sunk in: She meant … me! She really called me grandpa.

I guess she has a really cool grandpa, one that runs and wears a girl’s shirt and a blonde ponytail – not every old man does this, finally 🙂





The picture has nothing to do with this little story. It shows the Singapore Marina Mandarin hotel, looking down from the gallery into the lobby. It was the place I stayed for my very first business trip many years ago.