Not sure whether I wrote about Michelstadt already… So, anyway, Christmas would be a good opportunity to do so, as this post might inspire you for some Christmas present.
Michelstadt is a little town in Odenwald “mountains”, an hour’s drive from Frankfurt. Besides a pittoresque town centre with cool medieval buildings, it is home to another special thing. It is the home town of a world champion in… well, in baking. Yes, it is true, there are world championships in baking and patisserie, and Michelstadt has one of the winners.
This guy has some cool stuff in his display, including pralinés of all kinds. Some examples, anyone?
The easy choices are vanilla, rum, caramel, cream, you name it.
Then, some not-so-obvious ones like lavender, rosemary, sage.
And finally, for the brave, pine cone, goat cheese, gorgonzola.
I must confess I’m a coward with regard to new tastes (fried grasshopper being my most exotic experiment so far), hence I cannot really provide a review on the more unusual kinds, but maybe you want to try?
(Fried grasshopper, by the way, is very, very crunchy, hence you should protect your ears when eating it…)
Gorgonzola with chocolate? Hey, that will be a surprise for sure. If you can’t get hold of such stuff for reasons of non-availability, you might try an easier version which I invented last night while browsing my hotel mini-bar. There was nothing special to be found in there, nowhere. Hence I did a hybrid snack: milk chocolate in one hand, roasted and salted peanuts in the other, and then eat it together. Really, you should try, it’s really yummy. You bet. Enjoy 🙂
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