Maybe I should have joined the girl scouts as a kid – I got lost today. Would not have happened with proper navigating skills, maybe…Â
Oh, I’m so awfully jetlagged. The 30 hours of travel have helped to sleep fast and sound, but it feels “upside down, still. Let’s see what happens during the day.
Der Panther (Im Jardin des plantes, Paris). In memory of the god of poetry, master of words, king of emotion, Rainer Maria Rilke.
I would like to give the joy award to two girls who have painted a shed in the park where I use to go jogging. I really love the little creatures, they make me smile 🙂
Glamour as glamour goes… I like Frankfurt’s  Alte Oper (old opera house) which is a not-only-opera concert hall today.
Don’t tell me you don’t see it. Here, in the picture. Do you see the x-mas ghost lurking, gleaming eyes and all?Â
Not sure whether I wrote about Michelstadt already… So, anyway, Christmas would be a good opportunity to do so, as this post might inspire you for some Christmas present.
Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. (Francis of Assisi)
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