Inspiration is everywhere.

Author regine

Hand lettering at the next level

Here we go again – after some months of silence on the hand lettering front, I´m back at a new level. I started using photoshop to take

Those people know me…

Before I knew it myself, the owner of this café knew what I feel deep inside:

Where money is made 2.0

Uh, it is time for an update from the place where money is made. Some observations: It tells me that it is spring! But how come…? When going to work in the morning, this used to be my welcome scene:… Continue Reading →

Little lettering exercise

This year, I want to do some more hand lettering. But with an enhancement – using color.

Rastede, Germany

This is November in Rastede, a little town in northern Germany (approx. 22.000 inhabitants), with a beautiful church (St. Ulrich’s) and

Winter view

I’m desperately waiting for spring. I’m missing the sun. The light. The green. The everything.

Where money is made

How do you like Frankfurt´s youngest high rise? I have split feelings, because the building has robbed me of a lost place. But let’s start at the beginning.

Zombie Unicorn – 2018 has started

This year has started as a challenge. I have been ill for seven weeks in a row with ups and downs, but totally unable to do ANY sports of some kind. 500 meters of slow walking to the grocery store… Continue Reading →

Some more cats…

I have neglected new incoming cat (and other) drawings from postcards from all over the world – hence here they come. Enjoy.

China in my eyes (# 5): Transport

Well… there are lot’s of options in China to get from A to B. Let’s have a look at some of them.

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