Inspiration is everywhere.

Author regine

Top 5 fears in a tame journey – South Africa (3/5)

THREE: What if I find out that I am a coward, finally? Travelling the N2 eastbound I noticed there was an offer nicely matching an open item on my list of things to do before entry into nirvana: The world’s highest Bungee… Continue Reading →

Top 5 fears in a tame journey – South Africa (2/5)

TWO: What if I spend all evenings sitting in a bar alone? Bet you know what is coming next: It might take 16 balls, but just two loners to start a game of pool… just too bad that I always loose…

Top 5 fears in a tame journey – South Africa (1/5)

Oh, this was quite long ago. Recently, I found my diary entries from my very first solo trip – to South Africa. And as it raised quite some memories, I would like to share this. The photographs, however, are from Tanzania…. Continue Reading →

Wild cherries compensate a lot

Oh dear, after my Project M. I took a little break from running, and I also took a little break from eating – my spring fasting. Both led to my shape plummeting – I feel as if I had never ran… Continue Reading →

Garden post, bonus.

The last post was about my consultant garden and how it grows like green hell right now. Today, we have lots and lots of rain, since hours.

Oh, look at this! My garden is bursting with life, basically.

I am the worst gardener, ever. When I was in my teens, yes, I was the queen of potted plants, and my room was a green jungle. But nowadays, especially since I’ve worked as a consultant, the skill totally left… Continue Reading →

Hey, who are you?

This furry lady came to me because she won my heart and never lost it again.

Postcrossing at it’s best

Today I want to introduce you to Laurence, who likes to draw. She sent me a postcard which really made my day. See for yourself:

Project M. – Update

Uh, well, I just wanted to give a little update on project M., which I have worked on since January.

Lettering # 11 – One for my babe

This one – currently the last in the series – is a special one, dedicated to my dear friend babe. She knows why. Just picture a hammock

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