Inspiration is everywhere.

Category Beasts

Dark princess and a mole

I am a night person – I can stay up late easily. I am not a morning person – getting up in the morning is not so easy. Does anybody see a relation in the two statements?

An ostrich sitting on my window sill (D.I.Y. window decoration)

I’m still not done yet with my new apartment – and it will take a long while until I will be. I’m progressing slowly. Last weekend, I did a little decoration project, inspired by a random discovery.

Salmon, unchained

I confess – I chained Alaska’s fauna. I brought this charm bracelet from a trip to America’s far north. It is half-DIY as I bought the bracelet, the clasp and the animal charms from a pick-and-choose jewelry and combined it as… Continue Reading →

Swigging with bees

It could be such a yummy summer treat – a nice cold rose. I love drinking it from my glasses which are decorated with bees.

Tonight I met Mae West (a.k.a. гиперболоид вращения)

Being back in Munich, I’m trying a different hotel, just for a change, and just to escape the brownish-elderly interior design of my usual hotel.

Mirror, mirror on the wall… (a.k.a. The mayfly’s only portrait)

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

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