Inspiration is everywhere.

Category DIY

Rudolph, rest in peace

Today, I ate the last cookie which was left from the afternoon I spent in the kitchen of a friend of mine. You saw the vanilla crescent cookies in one of the early-december posts. Now, all are gone, finally. This… Continue Reading →

Vanilla crescent cookies

I just wanted to share this with you – to make your mouth water and your tongue crave. I made those today. Yummm…

nanowrimo – day 18: being god

A child (tiny, male) was born today. 1875 words. I can not add a picture today as the upload seems to not work from my mobile phone. Sounds like a bad excuse, but it is true. So just imagine a… Continue Reading →

nanowrimo – day 16: fifty shades

Another day in the train, another 2377 words. I had to continue the story where I left it yesterday (I needed to know what would happen next), so more shades of gray, somewhere on my way between Hanover and Frankfurt…. Continue Reading →

nanowrimo – day 8: MIUY (mess it up yourself)

3370 words today – yeah! This was way less then I hoped for, but it put me on a 202% of the daily average and a 110% of the total word count I am supposed to hit by end of… Continue Reading →

nanowrimo – day 7: chimney sweep

Today was a medium-good day. I took a day off, but got lost a little and did noch make what I intended to make, with regard to volume. Instead, I stocked up on creative supplies: Resin casting will be my… Continue Reading →

nanowrimo – day 4: darkroom

YES – 1814 words today – 108,82% of required daily average. I wrote a lot about a subject which I am not too familiar with (opera), this means I will need to do a lot of research later on to get… Continue Reading →

1000 times less light…

1000 mal weniger Licht… Dies ist ein fotografisches Experiment mit meinem neuen 3.0 Neutraldichtefilter (“Graufilter”), den ich heute erstmals ausgeführt habe. Optimal für das Experiment wären natürlich ein bewegtes Meer mit viel Rauschen sowie eine Tageszeit außerhalb der blauen Stunde…. Continue Reading →

Waiting for Wolfelele … final

YES – YES – YES – waiting is over. I got the package from customs last Friday, and what happened afterwards, you can see here:  


Eine sehr aufregende Sache, mein letztes Projekt. Darf ich vorstellen: Olivia (oben), aus der Schmiede meiner Schwester, und Damian (unten), von mir durch die Hitze gescheucht. Möhren, nehmt Euch in acht, jetzt geht es Euch an den Kragen. 

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