Inspiration is everywhere.

Category Ideas

New Year resolutions (some suggestions)

If you are still unsure what to resolve to do in 2015, I have some suggestions for you: (Gain altitude not only at the weekend – suggestion from Munich, Germany) (Don’t piss here – suggestion from Cienfuegos, Cuba) (Slow –… Continue Reading →

Change of confusion due to change of exposure

I just love this building and the message it conveys. Yesterday, I did a stroll at nighttime and could not resist but capture this… again. This time, experimenting with different exposures. The message you can take from this exercise (if… Continue Reading →

nanowrimo – day 17: drama queen

Ui, today I found some drama in my story. It’s odd to write about peoples’ innermost conflicts, fears and troubles at 7 a.m. above the clouds, with everybody else snoring, dozing or yawning. We circled above Munich for a while,… Continue Reading →

nanowrimo – day 13: it’s been a hard day’s night

Thursday is a hard day – the week is dragging on, one more day to go for the weekend. I was traveling again, this time not able to write in the plane because I was unable to keep my eyes… Continue Reading →

nanowrimo – day 8: MIUY (mess it up yourself)

3370 words today – yeah! This was way less then I hoped for, but it put me on a 202% of the daily average and a 110% of the total word count I am supposed to hit by end of… Continue Reading →

Planet Frankfurt

There are two different ways to see the world. You can choose. (1) Outside in… (2) Inside out… You can choose.

What’s left in the fridge…

  … after a hard week of long nights …

The idea creation process, time lapse

Kitten & Cactus

This post is dedicated to my dear postcrossing friends who have mada a little drawing for me. I asked for “a drawing of your sister. If you don’t have a sister, then from your best friend or your cat.” This… Continue Reading →


Sometimes, you wake up and ask yourself who you are. And then, you come up with this: It’s going to be a good day.

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