New Zealand is an outdoor country with many surprises. In the middle of nowhere (i.e. at Arthur’s Pass HW in a tiny inhabited spot named Ōtira) you can find John A Burns’ gallery.
A myth to be corrected: It is not sheep the kiwis have lot’s of. It is any other animal than that. I did some empirical studies yesterday while driving through rich green meadows, always on the lookout for those 40… Continue Reading →
Der Panther (Im Jardin des plantes, Paris). In memory of the god of poetry, master of words, king of emotion, Rainer Maria Rilke.
Not sure whether I wrote about Michelstadt already… So, anyway, Christmas would be a good opportunity to do so, as this post might inspire you for some Christmas present.
Today at Munich airport: A chinese man approached me and pointed at the price tag of some Oktoberfest souvenir, uttering with difficulties: “U’ro?”
Dear pseudo bavarian men who swarm Munich at times of Oktoberfest, I have to raise a plea. Yes, of course you can wear Lederhosen. Of course, of course. But consider this: You need good legs for this, you really do…. Continue Reading →
I found a funny website recently, which “proves” that each number representing a date appears in the digits of pi ( Today’s date, for example, can be found at pi digit 218.893 according to the website’s algorithm.
You might know jello or jelly – also called ambrosia as I learned today. This is childhood paradise.
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