Here is proof that stars are male. You can see it in the shape – slim hips, broad shoulders, a slightly fat-ish neck. This is not the shape of a female.
Yes, of course, we all need communication, a little small talk here and there.
Always be cautious which brand of beer you drink. Close by, I have a night kiosk selling ice cream, beer, and stuff you would crave for after all lights have gone off in the normal stores. And those guys are… Continue Reading →
I cannot say why I have an obvious sympathy for old walls and the secrets they bear. I don’t promote the concept of walls as such – cannot see the need for walls in our heads, around our hearts and… Continue Reading →
I went from pink to orange – each city has it’s asparagus obviously. This one is Munich, my temporary home.
This is the little lake where I went swimming as a kid. I learned it in our pool at home, under surveillance, but once I was able to not drown, off we went to the natural pond you can see here…. Continue Reading →
It could be such a yummy summer treat – a nice cold rose. I love drinking it from my glasses which are decorated with bees.
In a recent post I reflected on the support you can get in finding a man by buying a beer. A couple of days back I found another booster for that process lying in front of me.
Do you also appreciate coming home to your childhood places, the village where you grew up, maybe the house you have lived in even? I am lucky that those places still exist for me, not unchanged, but very close to… Continue Reading →
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