Inspiration is everywhere.

Category Mixed

Zentangle # 1

It was one of the lucky finds in the internet some grey day or something. I don’t remember why I found it – well, however it happened, but I found “zentangles”. They are meditative patterns

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When I’m feeling blue…

… all I have to do is have a look at…

Time warp: A glimpse into the future

Meet me at age 94! This is my alter ego, at a biblical age, but still happy and still adventure seeking. It is my absolute favorite postcard, I found it and was thunderstruck when I recognized that it shows… me.

Cuisine “K”ocuse

Recently, I visited a friend (“K”) who likes to experiment while cooking. She created a simple and yummy starter which I liked a lot: Vegetable base: Pickled Beetroot, finely cubed – put into a food ring and gently press down.

Spring is there – even if still hidden under snow

Today, spring has come – at least if you ask a meteorologist (not by calendar, though). I love this thought. But I also loved the blanket of snow it is still hiding under. What do you think?

Two candles for a lost love

Today I visited a little church in the south of Germany. Watching the beautifully painted glass windows, I wandered among the wooden benches, until I reached the place where you can light a candle as a little sacrifice. I took… Continue Reading →

TGIF – Thanks god, it’s Friday!

I don’t think I need to say more. It’s Friday.

“We are a talking pub.”

Recently, I had a déjà-vu reminding me of a time I spent in Sandwich, Kent. Many years ago, I was an intern in a little consulting company, and the business owners loved to go out for breakfast, later for lunch,… Continue Reading →

Grumpy face, still amicable

While jogging and crossing the river Main, I come across this guy regularly. First, I though what a grumpy guy he was. Meanwhile, I like him, somehow. I think he is kindhearted, deep inside. I am sure one day he will smile,… Continue Reading →

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