Inspiration is everywhere.

Category Mixed

Rubber ducks, revenged

Recently, I introduced you to the rubber ducks I sent north. A couple of weeks later, I received this, coming from Ryttylä: Revenge can be wonderful! ♥ ♥ ♥

His name was Rusty Rob

Last week, he was still around, in a side street a couple of steps away from where I live. But now he is gone, maybe gone to the world where atoms and elements roam free and are not pressed into sheets… Continue Reading →

Bart Simpson with a perm

I think the aviation industry tries hard to make me laugh on Monday mornings. After the “We want Whisky” statement last week, there was another funny one today. We had a rough landing on an icy runway. The pilot announced:… Continue Reading →

Rubber ducks go north

Recently in postcrossing, I was about to send a card and demanded a new address. The random address selector spit out Ryttylä, which is in Finland, approximately here: When I read the profile of the person who would receive my… Continue Reading →

You should pay for this

Recently, my client came into our office where I sat with my back turned to the window. He froze, stupefied, and said: “You should pay for this.” When I turned to the window, I knew what he meant: (Still, I did… Continue Reading →

Target trousers (die Zielhose)

Recently I remembered a conversation I had with my colleague J. We were talking about gaining weight during Christmas and how to avoid it – or better still, how to reverse the trend and actually lose some. J. used a… Continue Reading →

Featherlight collectibles

I found those while digging through my desk drawers. Nature’s beauty at work.

DIY project: Pop-up greeting card

My sister gave me a book about pop-up art, with descriptions and tutorials about the principles, cutting and folding techniques. And here we go, I made a greeting card as my first little project. If you’d like to know how to… Continue Reading →

Frankfurt, depressed

This is an early January Tuesday afternoon in Frankfurt. This explains why sales of daylight lamps skyrocket nowadays.

Today’s boredom cure

Boah… I am bored. Do you feel that way once in a while? I have an idea for you how to kill the time and as an extra bonus get some yummy brain food:

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