Inspiration is everywhere.

Category Photos

Top of Frankfurt

Note to the reader: I drafted this post quite a while back – not sure why I did not publish it at that time. Why not do it now – otherwise it would be a waste altogether. Sometimes a window… Continue Reading →

Hamburg, meine Perle (my pearl)

There is one place in Germany that has something in common with Janis Joplin. It is its nick name “pearl”. See for yourself.

Icke in Berlin (aka “me” in Berlin)

Berlin, Berlin, Dein Herz kennt keine Mauern. (Berlin, Berlin, your heart has no walls).

Bicycle race to Bruges, continued 1 (Oostkamp and windmills)

So, what do you expect on a long weekend in May? Sure, all accommodation at fancy places (like Bruges, you see…) is sold out.

The beauty of decay (in case you forgot)

I think I wrote a post with that same name already, some years back. Seems to be a stable character trait, this fascination with decay.

Hand lettering at the next level

Here we go again – after some months of silence on the hand lettering front, I´m back at a new level. I started using photoshop to take

Where money is made 2.0

Uh, it is time for an update from the place where money is made. Some observations: It tells me that it is spring! But how come…? When going to work in the morning, this used to be my welcome scene:… Continue Reading →

Rastede, Germany

This is November in Rastede, a little town in northern Germany (approx. 22.000 inhabitants), with a beautiful church (St. Ulrich’s) and

Winter view

I’m desperately waiting for spring. I’m missing the sun. The light. The green. The everything.

Where money is made

How do you like Frankfurt´s youngest high rise? I have split feelings, because the building has robbed me of a lost place. But let’s start at the beginning.

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