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Category Photos

Top 5 fears in a tame journey – South Africa (5/5)

FIVE: What if I shipwreck (even while traveling overland, in a car)? Middle of January, I had hit quite a hot time of the year. But in Mountain Zebra National Park, some lightning and stormy clouds added nicely to the scene as if copied… Continue Reading →

Top 5 fears in a tame journey – South Africa (4/5)

FOUR: What if I’m in Africa and don’t see any of the “Big Five”? My itinerary did not allow a visit in any of the parks in the north, especially I had to drop Krueger due to shortage of time. I had… Continue Reading →

Top 5 fears in a tame journey – South Africa (3/5)

THREE: What if I find out that I am a coward, finally? Travelling the N2 eastbound I noticed there was an offer nicely matching an open item on my list of things to do before entry into nirvana: The world’s highest Bungee… Continue Reading →

Top 5 fears in a tame journey – South Africa (2/5)

TWO: What if I spend all evenings sitting in a bar alone? Bet you know what is coming next: It might take 16 balls, but just two loners to start a game of pool… just too bad that I always loose…

Top 5 fears in a tame journey – South Africa (1/5)

Oh, this was quite long ago. Recently, I found my diary entries from my very first solo trip – to South Africa. And as it raised quite some memories, I would like to share this. The photographs, however, are from Tanzania…. Continue Reading →

Spring has arrived – you can bring me flowers

You know that it’s my strong belief which caused the spring to come, right. Yes, I was really, really sure – and now I’m proven right. You can bring me flowers to congratulate for my strong will. 

Kiwi impressions (21/21) – The final contdown

It’s so sad that my trip to NZ is over. I hope I will hear and read “kia ora” soon again. Have fun with some pictures in my little movie below – if the feathery guy will let you in.

Kiwi impressions (19/21) – The best color of all

Take water, I mean lot’s of water, add air, mix it fiercely, and you’ll get the best imaginable color: turquoise. This happens at Huka Falls near Taupo, where the beautiful Waikato river first squeezes through a little narrow gorge at… Continue Reading →

Kiwi impressions (17/21) – Abel Tasman and a superman

I chose to visit the wonderful Abel Tasman national park the easy way: Doing a day hike embedded in a cruise complemented. by a free pick up service from my accomodation.

Kiwi impressions (13/21) – Dump the quad bike for beautiful Isobel

Hanmer Springs. A sleepy village with a Spa and Pool, in the middle of lot’s of green. My plan was to get muddy and do a tour on a Quadbike. But fate was against me and there was no offer… Continue Reading →

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