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Category Photos

Kiwi impressions (12/21) – The full monty

When preparing my trip to NZ, a knowledgeable colleague said: Kaikoura is all about whales. I must say, not just.

Kiwi impressions (6/21) – Utterly lagging behind

Technology is not my friend – cannot upload any more photos due to unfriendly behavior of anything digital right now.

Kiwi impressions (3/21) – Searching for sheep in a forgotten world

A myth to be corrected: It is not sheep the kiwis have lot’s of. It is any other animal than that. I did some empirical studies yesterday while driving through rich green meadows, always on the lookout for those 40… Continue Reading →

Kiwi impressions (2/21) – The Lone Kauri Road

Maybe I should have joined the girl scouts as a kid – I got lost today. Would not have happened with proper navigating skills, maybe… 

Kiwi impressions (1/21) – Flying high

Oh, I’m so awfully jetlagged. The 30 hours of travel have helped to sleep fast and sound, but it feels “upside down, still. Let’s see what happens during the day.

X-mas ghosts lurking

Don’t tell me you don’t see it. Here, in the picture. Do you see the x-mas ghost lurking, gleaming eyes and all? 

Smiles against terrorism (7/7)

Islam means peace. (Malala Yousafzai)

Smiles against terrorism (6/7)

You cannot find peace by avoiding life. (Virginia Woolf)

Smiles against terrorism (5/7)

Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. (Francis of Assisi)

Smiles against terrorism (4/7)

You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist. (Indira Gandhi)

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