Inspiration is everywhere.

Category Photos

Helsinki, Kentucky

It took me a while to write this post – which is mainly due to the fact that my computer is lame and keeps losing the network connection. Bad excuse, but true, anyway. Finally I managed to upload the pics… Continue Reading →

Cloud nine, made of… clouds

I love the drama above the clouds. This is somewhere over Denmark, on my way from Helsinki to Frankfurt. Normally, I’m an in-flight reader or sleeper, but this time I had the grand movie outside to entertain me.

Asparagus 2.0

I went from pink to orange – each city has it’s asparagus obviously. This one is Munich, my temporary home.

Learning to swim (a.k.a. Scary movie)

This is the little lake where I went swimming as a kid. I learned it in our pool at home, under surveillance, but once I was able to not drown, off we went to the natural pond you can see here…. Continue Reading →

Salmon, unchained

I confess – I chained Alaska’s fauna. I brought this charm bracelet from a trip to America’s far north. It is half-DIY as I bought the bracelet, the clasp and the animal charms from a pick-and-choose jewelry and combined it as… Continue Reading →

Farewell, pink asparagus

No, it’s not pink, it’s magenta, actually. Anyway, I will never ever enjoy this sight out of my bedroom window. It was my good-night view for nearly 10 years, but by moving, I lost it.

What the grass sees

This is what the grass sees shortly before it it is munched and swallowed. Not too bad for a last sight.

The beauty of destruction

Destruction is bad, no question. But sometimes, it can have a special beauty in all it’s sadness.

Guantanamera… number 1.348… oh please….

I went to Cuba, some years back. I hope that now, while opening up to the world, they don’t throw away every charming old thing.

Tiptoe through the tulips

I love tulips. I learned from wikipedia that the name is related to tülbend (turkish), or dulband (persian), which means “turban”. But however

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