Last weekend I spent in the dark middle ages – together with my mom and my sister. We went to Rothenburg ob der Tauber, where time stopped some hundred years ago.
Time is flying! This post has been sitting in my draft drawer since we (my sister and me) went on the yoga-hiking combi tour last spring (you guessed it).
Dear pseudo bavarian men who swarm Munich at times of Oktoberfest, I have to raise a plea. Yes, of course you can wear Lederhosen. Of course, of course. But consider this: You need good legs for this, you really do…. Continue Reading →
I went from pink to orange – each city has it’s asparagus obviously. This one is Munich, my temporary home.
Being back in Munich, I’m trying a different hotel, just for a change, and just to escape the brownish-elderly interior design of my usual hotel.
No, it’s not pink, it’s magenta, actually. Anyway, I will never ever enjoy this sight out of my bedroom window. It was my good-night view for nearly 10 years, but by moving, I lost it.
Whew! An NPWR (new personal world record) happened last night. I spent the first night of the year outdoors, in the woods, in a tent, with Pocahontas*. It is a new personal world record because
Monday morning. Out of bed at 5 am. Eyes won’t stay open without effort. Airport, queue at the security check. Finally, I made it through. And then, there it is – the first thing I consciously notice that day: Yes,… Continue Reading →
Walking Munich at night can lead to acquaintances you have not asked for. Thanks god this guy is cast in stone and will not follow me. Or… will he???
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