Inspiration is everywhere.

Category Travel

New Year resolutions (some suggestions)

If you are still unsure what to resolve to do in 2015, I have some suggestions for you: (Gain altitude not only at the weekend – suggestion from Munich, Germany) (Don’t piss here – suggestion from Cienfuegos, Cuba) (Slow –… Continue Reading →

Nightfall in the Everglades

If the post’s title gives you a mental image from the US, think twice. These pics are taken at a late afternoon stroll in the German Everglades…

Christmas – muslim style

Two years ago, I went to Oman over the Christmas season. I found the tribute to baby Jesus right next to the book shelf stacking the bilingual Quran. You can find it here as well, at 2:26. Enjoy.

Bridges of the world

Some impressions of bridges of the world: Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Ignatz-Bubis-Brücke San Francisco, United Stats of America, Bay Bridge Plettenberg Bay, South Africa, Bloukrans Bridge (see the bungee jumper!!!) Another one, added on Dec 21st: Max-Joseph-Brücke, Munich, Germany    

nanowrimo – day 20: diplomats queuing

Today I spent ages at the airport, the longest time ever. I don’t know why everybody left Munich. A little girl escaped her father and threw his wallet into a dustbin. He was not amused. I was utterly bored while… Continue Reading →

nanowrimo – day 11: the spider must die!

Oh, what fun I had today 🙂 First, I started writing at approximately 6:30 a.m. after getting up at 5:00 a.m. I wrote on my entire way from Frankfurt to Munich – at the airport, in the plane straight from… Continue Reading →

Oslo moves… or not?

A couple of years ago, I went to Oslo and met their dynamic playground users – or shall I say inmates? For some reason I had a strange gut feeling, the scene did not really resonate with me. But maybe… Continue Reading →

In case you get lost…

In case you get lost, this sign will lead you. One question remains: Where?

Ausblick auf in 6 Monaten

Dieser Post ist all denen gewidmet, die ein bisschen Grün brauchen. Es ist nicht mehr lang 🙂 Wo ist eigentlich die Miniermotte hergekommen? Als diese Bilder entstanden, gab es sie offensichtlich noch nicht.

Büroaffären – Office Love

Wie schlecht kann der Tag werden, wenn man DAS an der Kaffeebar bekommt? How bad can the day become if you get THIS at the coffee bar?  

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