Inspiration is everywhere.

Category Travel

The beauty of decay (in case you forgot)

I think I wrote a post with that same name already, some years back. Seems to be a stable character trait, this fascination with decay.

Unchain my soul

You cannot not communicate. On a wall of an innocent house, I found this message. What does this communicate? (a) I have a mess in my head.

Heartbroken and drunk

No, no, don’t worry. This is not me. This is someone who was heartbroken and hence got drunk last summer. You can find the story in the little things left behind the night a very big hangover was born.

Where money is made 2.0

Uh, it is time for an update from the place where money is made. Some observations: It tells me that it is spring! But how come…? When going to work in the morning, this used to be my welcome scene:… Continue Reading →

Rastede, Germany

This is November in Rastede, a little town in northern Germany (approx. 22.000 inhabitants), with a beautiful church (St. Ulrich’s) and

Where money is made

How do you like Frankfurt´s youngest high rise? I have split feelings, because the building has robbed me of a lost place. But let’s start at the beginning.

China in my eyes (# 5): Transport

Well… there are lot’s of options in China to get from A to B. Let’s have a look at some of them.

China in my eyes (#4): Lifestyle

It’s time for another post about China – before the memory fades… Today, some thoughts about lifestyle.

The real birth of Darth Vader – Barcelona

Yeah – a company outing in Barcelona, with (some) work on Friday, (some) party till Saturday and two more days to explore after the official part was over. It was a „long time no see“, so long overdue to go… Continue Reading →

China in my eyes (#3): Infrastructure

I was thinking to name this post „giants & dwarfs“, because this is what came to my mind first. But as I try to be clear in what I intend to say, I decided to leave it at „infrastructure“. This… Continue Reading →

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