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Category Travel

This old house of ours is made of dreams (Vive la France, 2)

A summer in France. Le savoir vivre. Visits in old villages on sunny afternoons in a dreamy mood, questioning the concept of ever returning back home from these places. For some reason, just then, the moment

Vive la France!

Oooohhh, the time is flying! We have autumn already, but a late summer has squeezed into the days, coming back from where it had seemed to have disappeared.

Top 5 fears in a tame journey – South Africa (Bonus Track)

BONUS TRACK: Later that day, aquaplaning my way through thunderstorm number 2 towards Graaf-Reinet (now on a tarred road, at least!) I was considerably showered by oncoming cars and nearly washed off the road by an oncoming truck. 

Top 5 fears in a tame journey – South Africa (5/5)

FIVE: What if I shipwreck (even while traveling overland, in a car)? Middle of January, I had hit quite a hot time of the year. But in Mountain Zebra National Park, some lightning and stormy clouds added nicely to the scene as if copied… Continue Reading →

Top 5 fears in a tame journey – South Africa (4/5)

FOUR: What if I’m in Africa and don’t see any of the “Big Five”? My itinerary did not allow a visit in any of the parks in the north, especially I had to drop Krueger due to shortage of time. I had… Continue Reading →

Top 5 fears in a tame journey – South Africa (3/5)

THREE: What if I find out that I am a coward, finally? Travelling the N2 eastbound I noticed there was an offer nicely matching an open item on my list of things to do before entry into nirvana: The world’s highest Bungee… Continue Reading →

Top 5 fears in a tame journey – South Africa (2/5)

TWO: What if I spend all evenings sitting in a bar alone? Bet you know what is coming next: It might take 16 balls, but just two loners to start a game of pool… just too bad that I always loose…

Top 5 fears in a tame journey – South Africa (1/5)

Oh, this was quite long ago. Recently, I found my diary entries from my very first solo trip – to South Africa. And as it raised quite some memories, I would like to share this. The photographs, however, are from Tanzania…. Continue Reading →

Postcrossing at it’s best

Today I want to introduce you to Laurence, who likes to draw. She sent me a postcard which really made my day. See for yourself:

Frankfurt’s golden chains

Frankfurt has its surprises, it is more than money-making and big business. Frankfurt is also about bananas,

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