imageKentucky, I’m on my way! This is my “trial” state of the Kentucky chair, based on sanded but otherwise non-treated wood. The trial was necessary because I was unsure whether the plan I had would work out as expected. I followed the plan I had from the internet, translated from inches to centimeters. But everything looked suspicious when I had cut the wood and had drilled all holes. Looking at all the bits and pieces from a geometrical point of view, it seemed impossible to build something comfortable from this pile of sticks. How can you sit comfortably at a 90 degree angle? But as it turns out, despite the geometry, the angle is not 90 degrees. So, here we go, here we have turned the “mikado for giants” (my sister’s name for it) into something I trust will serve me well during my evenings at my balcony. Come, have nice glass of red with me! But wait, there is some work left to do… wether treatment and “real” assembly. Let’s see when this will get don, finally. Next summer is close… 🙂

