Kitten & Cactus
This site is dedicated to my dear postcrossing friends who fulfill my wish and make a little drawing for me. I asked for “a drawing of your sister. If you don’t have a sister, then from your best friend – or your cat.” This site shows what I got in reply. I absolutely love it, any single one 🙂 Thank you sooo much – and keep up sending more.
Recently I got this one from Taina in Finland, and I love it a lot because it made me smile on a grey day. But it is just one example from many wonderful drawings I received:

can summarize: There are more people having cats than having sisters. Some have panda bears. Some have a mop with ears.
Some new additions in August 2021 (I have been a little inactive before that):

Some new additions in May 2020:

Some new additions in January 2019:

And some love to draw, apparently:
Some new additions in December 2018:
Some new additions in May 2018:
Some new additions in March 2018:
Some new additions in February 2018:
Some new additions in January 2018:
Some new additions in November 2017:
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