Another day in the train, another 2377 words. I had to continue the story where I left it yesterday (I needed to know what would happen next), so more shades of gray, somewhere on my way between Hanover and Frankfurt. I was wondering whether I should switch from writing my nanowrimo-novel to writing down what the girl and the guy behind me were talking about. I feel I know everything about her life now, but very little about his.
Does “getting to know each other” work like that – her talkingtalkingtalking and him listening? He tried to squeeze in a word here or there, but was not very successful in that attempt. I choose to write another bit my novel. Finally, her life was not as interesting as I plan to make that of my protagonist.
I think it’s time to celebrate my current word count. I have crossed the 25.000 line the day I was supposed to make 20.000 (12.11.2014). And if I let go now and was lazy until 21.11., I would still be fine. Hey, don’t call me the eager beaver, ok?
Better fill the glasses and let’s chug-a-lug some champagne to my progress!
(B.t.w., the photograph is another example from my DIY darkroom period.)
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