I found a funny website recently, which “proves” that each number representing a date appears in the digits of pi (mypiday.com). Today’s date, for example, can be found at pi digit 218.893 according to the website’s algorithm.Before you continue reading, please note that all the following is pure nonsense, or, bullshit, rather. And if you are not in a mood to stand nonsense, you should not continue reading.
Now, let’s see what happens with some birth dates of my family members. While my birthday can be found around pi digit 2.200, my grandnephew’s can be located around pi digit 53.200. Both dates in the right sequence, right….? Finally, my mom’s pi digits lay around position 85.800 – and she is definitely somewhat older than her grand-grand-son. But wait, could that be prove of the ever lasting “circle of life” – that the past will reappear in the future…?
Nonsense, I warned you 🙂
All this dilletant (but still entertaining) intellectual gaming reminds me of a pamphlet I once found black-and-white-copied and stapled in a pub in my university town. A self-declared “scientiest” made his point in proving that squaring the circle was indeed possible. And this was the way he did it:
He drew a circle (with a pair of compasses) – which is, at that time, he drew the circle with pencil on paper. And than he took a ruler and drew some other lines, derived by using his ruler and the compasses only. And then he took the ruler and measured length and widths of the figure he had created – et voilá – he got it, the area of the square equaled the area of the original circle he had drewn at the beginning.
Today, I am still grief-stricken that I did not keep the booklet. Maybe I would be rich by now. Life can be so easy!
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