imageI learned a new term recently, “streak running”. This means to run every day, no matter what. It was the subject of a column in a major running magazine. Every day, at least 1 mile. Easy, right? Can be done in 15 minutes.But hey, let’s face it – it is hard. Because it is cold. It’s wet. Just too early in the morning. Too late at night. And it is dark. And I’m tired. I’m lazy. Its just too cozy in bed. And on the sofa, how cosy it is on the sofa…!

But I will try anyway Because I like crisp morning air. I like the skyline at night. I love fresh air in my lungs. Not to forget, I like eating – but still I’d rather be fit than fat, rather be fast than slow.

But it will be hard, no matter what. I’d better face it.

One more reason appeared this morning: We had the first snow today – below you find a picture taken out of a train between Frankfurt and Cologne.

