Inspiration is everywhere.

Tag Français

Je suis heureuse (D.I.Y. silver pendant)

Following my new passion for motto paintings, I have transferred the idea to my other passion, jewelry making. I went to a silversmith’s workshop today and worked on a project which has been lurking in my head for a while now.

La vie est belle (D.I.Y. motto painting)

A little D.I.Y. project, anybody? Recently, I found an article about hand lettering, which caught my eye because I like letters and words. I also like drawing, but I am not so good at

Je ne sais pas qu’est-ce que c’est…

… mais je l’aime 🙂

La chatte habite au 55…

Elle erre dans la nuit. Si tu la rencontres, prends garde!

La consolation pour les jours tristes

Le sous-sol des beaux arts

La devineresse prédit le futur

Le “grand cheval” te surveille

Non, c’est ne pas le grand frère qui te surveille, peut-être c’est le grand cheval… (Excusez mon français boiteux…)

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