Inspiration is everywhere.

Tag Frankfurt

Top of Frankfurt

Note to the reader: I drafted this post quite a while back – not sure why I did not publish it at that time. Why not do it now – otherwise it would be a waste altogether. Sometimes a window… Continue Reading →

Unchain my soul

You cannot not communicate. On a wall of an innocent house, I found this message. What does this communicate? (a) I have a mess in my head.

Where money is made 2.0

Uh, it is time for an update from the place where money is made. Some observations: It tells me that it is spring! But how come…? When going to work in the morning, this used to be my welcome scene:… Continue Reading →

Where money is made

How do you like Frankfurt´s youngest high rise? I have split feelings, because the building has robbed me of a lost place. But let’s start at the beginning.

5 ways to run a marathon. Or: Cement on fire. Or: Running is a brain exercise.

“This is your day.” What shall I say – the marketing slogan for the Frankfurt Marathon is true. I SURVIVED!

Light painting with Pentax

The second workshop I took on night photography made clear again how very special I am 🙂

Winter lights at arctic temperatures

One of my serious New Year’s resolutions for 2017 is to get better at balancing work and life. Work is a constant, intense but ok, so not so much to be done at that end of the equation.

Prospering times ahead? Help with your math homework?

Recently I discovered some murals in one of Frankfurt’s lesser beautiful streets on two adjacent buildings. They made me think what they could mean.

The best days are those you wake up with a headache from

The year says good bye, asking itself why it is that people make such a fuss about New Year’s eve.

Hungry Christmas visitor

It is totally unusual that a magpie lands on my window sill. Those guys are really, really

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