A fun game to jointly explore the true character of your loved ones It’s December 24th, the family gathered around the dinner table… “A fiery note in a fine robe, unusual combination”. “This must be John!”, Rebecca exclaimed. “No…! That’s… Continue Reading →
Note to the reader: I drafted this post quite a while ago… maybe a couple of years even. I decided to now publish it – it is not getting any better while sitting in the draft folder. How cute it… Continue Reading →
Berlin, Berlin, Dein Herz kennt keine Mauern. (Berlin, Berlin, your heart has no walls).
Isn’t this funny – recently I found an online course called “happy birds” on clarissa-hagenmeyer.de. Clarissa is a creative coach and artist who teaches a technique she calls “happy painting”.
How much time can you spent in a town like Bruges? Well it depends on how slowly you move. There are many snug places you can spend time in, just strolling and watching and thinking nothing.
As part of the Triennale 2018, a co-creation space was founded in Wulpenstraat: the House of Time. Besides some wooden structures like benches, a bar, pleasant seating areas, one other place caught my eye.
So, what do you expect on a long weekend in May? Sure, all accommodation at fancy places (like Bruges, you see…) is sold out.
Yes, yes, yes – I survived a visit to Bruges WITHOUT the waffles… I know this is a shame, but I am on a no-sweets challenge during May, hence I had to resist in order to not spoil it.
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