Those are the high heels I can accept. All other types… no way. Those are the Manolos of my choice.
It took me a while to write this post – which is mainly due to the fact that my computer is lame and keeps losing the network connection. Bad excuse, but true, anyway. Finally I managed to upload the pics… Continue Reading →
I am a night person – I can stay up late easily. I am not a morning person – getting up in the morning is not so easy. Does anybody see a relation in the two statements?
It could be such a yummy summer treat – a nice cold rose. I love drinking it from my glasses which are decorated with bees.
In a recent post I reflected on the support you can get in finding a man by buying a beer. A couple of days back I found another booster for that process lying in front of me.
I work in an office located in a building where trade fairs are held. This week, we had a fair themed “What Bavaria will need tomorrow”
How can you get the world come to you if you have no time to go out into the world? Haha, I have found the solution.
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