Inspiration is everywhere.

Tag joy

Chestnuts in full foliage

I love this moment…! I love the moment when the chestnut trees are back in full foliage. And the moment is there now, YES!

Tiptoe through the tulips

I love tulips. I learned from wikipedia that the name is related to tülbend (turkish), or dulband (persian), which means “turban”. But however

Bloom boom

I have no clue whether “bloom boom” has a meaning anybody but me can understand, but

Eggnog on the rocks

Whew! An NPWR (new personal world record) happened last night. I spent the first night of the year outdoors, in the woods, in a tent, with Pocahontas*. It is a new personal world record because

Today my name is Queen (D.I.Y. jewelry organizer)

All the bling in one place! I finished my first “real” woodworking project using pocket holes, and what shall I say – I love it. It was quite some work, took loads of

Time warp: A glimpse into the future

Meet me at age 94! This is my alter ego, at a biblical age, but still happy and still adventure seeking. It is my absolute favorite postcard, I found it and was thunderstruck when I recognized that it shows… me.

Cuisine “K”ocuse

Recently, I visited a friend (“K”) who likes to experiment while cooking. She created a simple and yummy starter which I liked a lot: Vegetable base: Pickled Beetroot, finely cubed – put into a food ring and gently press down.

Le paysage d’un bougie

La flamme dansante d’une bougie est la chose la plus attrayante et relaxante du monde. What remains of a candle after it melted in the heat can be seen here. I think this is the map of romance.

TGIF – Thanks god, it’s Friday!

I don’t think I need to say more. It’s Friday.

Dear granny!

This post is dedicated to my dear granny Hilde, who passed away a long time ago. R.i.p., my dear! Today is your 110th birthday and you can be sure we are thinking of you! When I restructured my book shelf… Continue Reading →

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