Inspiration is everywhere.

Tag joy

Adrenalin junkie, the early years

Yesterday, I picked up my sister from the railway station at our home village. While waiting for her train to arrive, I wandered around the railway station (which is nowadays just a point where the train stops and a lonely… Continue Reading →

Change of confusion due to change of exposure

I just love this building and the message it conveys. Yesterday, I did a stroll at nighttime and could not resist but capture this… again. This time, experimenting with different exposures. The message you can take from this exercise (if… Continue Reading →

Vanilla crescent cookies

I just wanted to share this with you – to make your mouth water and your tongue crave. I made those today. Yummm…

nanowrimo – day 15: how to write sex

After a first kiss yesterday, my protagonist had sex today. I really put some effort into creating the opportunity for him, and made the entire experience last for 1765 words. For him (and his playmate), it was pure joy, for me it was hard work,… Continue Reading →

Büroaffären – Office Love (update)

Hier kommt noch eins 🙂


Leider sind diese rosigen, llieblichen Zeiten 2014 längst vorbei… Gibt es vielleicht noch einen Rest des Angebots im Archiv?

TNS – Tuesday Night Skating

Waiting for Wolfelele … final

YES – YES – YES – waiting is over. I got the package from customs last Friday, and what happened afterwards, you can see here:  

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