Oh, this was quite long ago. Recently, I found my diary entries from my very first solo trip – to South Africa. And as it raised quite some memories, I would like to share this. The photographs, however, are from Tanzania…. Continue Reading →
Oh dear, after my Project M. I took a little break from running, and I also took a little break from eating – my spring fasting. Both led to my shape plummeting – I feel as if I had never ran… Continue Reading →
The last post was about my consultant garden and how it grows like green hell right now. Today, we have lots and lots of rain, since hours.
I am the worst gardener, ever. When I was in my teens, yes, I was the queen of potted plants, and my room was a green jungle. But nowadays, especially since I’ve worked as a consultant, the skill totally left… Continue Reading →
Today I want to introduce you to Laurence, who likes to draw. She sent me a postcard which really made my day. See for yourself:
Uh, well, I just wanted to give a little update on project M., which I have worked on since January.
This one – currently the last in the series – is a special one, dedicated to my dear friend babe. She knows why. Just picture a hammock
Did you know that Vodka means “little water” in Russian? Interestingly, the Russians consume it in quantities of 100 ml minimum per glass. Just an observation.
This is a message for you as you sit in front of a screen instead of climbing that mountain.
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