Inspiration is everywhere.

Tag joy

November ist grey? Nope, not true.

Who said November is grey? They are just not right. I found a new addition of “street art” on one of Frankfurt’s bridges across river Main. And – you see – no grey around, nowhere.

Make your own starry night sky

I took this picture many years ago in a cool café in Berlin, Hackesche Höfe. I have no clue whether the café and/or the starry sky still exist, but the picture has stayed in my mind for all those years.

Autumn glory

What colors…! A little afternoon hike to the summit of Frankfurt’s very own… well, I can’t call it mountain, really, so let’s call it hill. Or, rather, it’s a ground wave. But it is 185 m high, mind you.

Kentucky, finished (D.I.Y. folding chair with instructions)

Finally, I finished the Kentucky chair project. It took me some weeks of elapsed time, but now it’s done. The guy must wait for the next summer, though, as it is meant to go on my balcony. Maybe I keep… Continue Reading →

Streak running

I learned a new term recently, “streak running”. This means to run every day, no matter what. It was the subject of a column in a major running magazine. Every day, at least 1 mile. Easy, right? Can be done… Continue Reading →

Remember spring (last one)

Time is flying! This post has been sitting in my draft drawer since we (my sister and me) went on the yoga-hiking combi tour last spring (you guessed it).

The lovely transformation of flour, eggs, butter and sugar at 180°C

This is a journey far into my childhood – marble cake was the first I ever baked, with the help of my mum at first, but soon all on my own. I was nine or ten probably at that time…. Continue Reading →

Boys, you need good legs for this

Dear pseudo bavarian men who swarm Munich at times of Oktoberfest, I have to raise a plea. Yes, of course you can wear Lederhosen. Of course, of course. But consider this: You need good legs for this, you really do…. Continue Reading →

Kentucky, Kentucky!! (D.I.Y.)

Kentucky, I’m on my way! 

The color of alien blood

You might know jello or jelly – also called ambrosia as I learned today. This is childhood paradise.

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