Inspiration is everywhere.

Tag World

Die Kirche ist nicht mehr so groß

Daran denke ich, wenn Klaus Lage singt: Ich bin wieder zu Haus….  

Himmelsfeuer über München

Hach, ich habe am letzten Dienstag Penti sehr vermisst. Anbei nur eine Ahnung des Himmels über München, per Smartphone und 306°-App nur annähernd treffend eingefangen. So kann ich nicht arbeiten…! Ich brauche angemessene Werkzeuge!  

Urban gardening is just not for impatient people

Have you ever tried to pull at a plantlet to make it grow faster? It won’t work, believe me. Instead, you can try begging, singing, sweet-talking, caressing, stroking, bewitching. Or, you can just stamp your foot and … swear. Look here… Continue Reading →

Far down south

In some places, it even looks like the wild south…

Bandiera rossa trionferà

Picture puzzle: Find the Martian

you never see them until they get you tangled into bright green yarn YOU NEVER SEE THEM UNTIL THEY GET YOU TANGLED INTO BRIGHT GREEN YARN I noticed that this is the first “haiku”-type stuff I wrote after maybe 7… Continue Reading →

Grünes Reisen im Pappkarton

  Dies ist ein Foto vom 13. September 2013. Man beachte die grüne Abgasplakette. Alternativer Titel für diesen Post: “Ein Pappkarton fährt grün”. Ach – ich sehe gerade, auch Pappe kann rosten. Hatte ich schon fast vergessen.  

Kitten & Cactus

This post is dedicated to my dear postcrossing friends who have mada a little drawing for me. I asked for “a drawing of your sister. If you don’t have a sister, then from your best friend or your cat.” This… Continue Reading →

5 nights in Iceland…

… are not enough.

Hiking “on the rocks”

Greenland… hiking between an iceberg and a cold place. You find the video here: And the gallery below:

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