You might know jello or jelly – also called ambrosia as I learned today. This is childhood paradise. Recently jello was served at a friend’s birthday, and it struck me suddenly that this must be the color of alien blood. Green, that’s it. And then, I started thinking about this stuff, in particular about it’s name.
Jello is called Götterspeise in German, which translates to “Meal of the Gods”. This is a funny name indeed, and more funnily, as a kid you never think about this – you just take it as a given that this wobbly, sweet treat is called as it is.
It may be due to the age of the birthday man that the Götterspeise was not touched the entire evening. Maybe we all just are no kids anymore, and inspiration by bright green dessert has faded with the years.
By the way, I heared that it is a tradition for wedding parties to fill the newlywed’s bathtub with jello… I find that strange.
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