
You might remember the cleanup of my bookshelf recently. I had to part with many of my books to make room for new ones. Amongst those I set free was a little volume of limericks, titled “Die Trompetentante”(probably translated to “The trumpet aunt” or “The aunt with the trumpet” or someting like that). A limerick is a poem with a specific measure of rhyme, rythm and syllables – wikipedia says: A limerick is a form of poetry, especially one in five-line anapestic meter with a strict rhyme scheme (AABBA), which is sometimes obscene with humorous intent.” (You are welcome to do some more research on the word anapestic yourself.)

So, here is what I came up with, inspired by one of the illustrations in the book, which made me remember our dog (a wirehaired fox terrier) who always chased things – young goats, mice, my brother’s pet bunny or even his own tail. Excuse the poor English, it is my first attempt:

The lucky tomcat Jim

A dog chased a tomcat called Jim,
’til finally tired and slim
tried hard to get hold
until he was told
the beast was connected to him.

And here is the drawing:
