RBKV7506I love tulips. I learned from wikipedia that the name is related to tülbend (turkish), or dulband (persian), which means “turban”. But however the name, they look fantastic, and I love buying them in loads, the more colorful the better. B.t.w., this is the only reason why I have a big glass vase.

Interestingly, tulips are beautiful no matter whether they are fresh and alive or whether they are in the process of shriveling and decay. Maybe it is just a matter of mindset to achieve that has a human being as well.

Here is some proof for you. Let’s start with the “before”:


RBKV7526 RBKV7524 RBKV7518 RBKV7552 RBKV7549 RBKV7546 RBKV7541 RBKV7540 RBKV7530

And now, let’s turn to them a week later:

RBKV7589 RBKV7585 RBKV7582 RBKV7579 RBKV7577 RBKV7572 RBKV7570 RBKV7567 RBKV7563 RBKV7605 RBKV7596